I was so disappointed to wake up the morning of November 18, in Socorro, New Mexico, not feeling well, certainly not feeling good to participate in any of the activities of the Crane Festival(more about that in the book). This is an annual happening with hundreds of people involved-tours, lectures, movies, receptions, many activities having to do with the crane population and migration. But how lucky can you be, one or two days of not feeling well out of the many months traveling. No way I could complain, so I packed my things and began the trip home.
Had planned all along to find I-10 for easy traveling, but Onstar routed me differently and I didn't change because this would be my opportunity to see a different part of the country. And, it was different. Two-lane roads, four-lane roads, small towns, beautiful scenery.
Stayed a night on the road and got to Janie's in Austin. Texas late afternoon. Good to see her but a little disappointed that she is still not able to get around well at all. But that didn't hamper our visit. It was good to see where she lived, meet some of her friends, and to be able top see her son Davis, Ann, boys, Josh and Jacob. Pictures never do justice to boys that age. They are blonde-tow-headed, active boys and very well-behaved. It was so good to be with them.
November 22, 2011, 12:00 noon was the time frame for my arriving, but traffic caused me to be a little late(12:15), but again I was greeted by family, friends, balloons, banners, and a sign on the library marquee, "Welcome home, Miss Lou, we missed you, neighbor". For those that don't know, my house is directly across the road from the Washington County Public Library, easy to find and give directions to.
Thanksgiving was just that, a time of giving thanks, being together with family and friends, eating wonderful food, HOME. Wouldn't trade that decision with anything, that I chose to be home for Thanksgiving, eventhough it meant a shorter stay in New Mexico.
And now, I pray for your prayers for me, I know you've done that all year, and for patience as we begin this new experience, writing a book.
We've had so much inquiry, encouragement, offers of writing expertise, and good wishes, it's like, "how can we fail".
And I'll have to say again, thanks so much for being a part of my adventure.
Lou, I knew of no other way to contact you and I sure hope you get this! I am the flight attendant you met several weeks ago on Delta. You gave me a copy of your wonderful book and I love it!!! Please let me know an email or phone number where I can contact you and speak in person. My email is katevans49@gmail.com
ReplyDeletePlease email me when you can...I would love to tell you in person how much your book has meant to me!
Katrina Evans